Destination URL


How to Tag Your Search Destination URL

  • If you are going to use AvidTrak to track inbound phone calls from your Google Adwords Pay Per Click (PPC) or Bing Ad Center PPC Campaigns, then you will need to add tags to the existing destination URL of your Search PPC advertisements.
  • ValueTrack Keyword/Ad Tagging for Google Adwords:

For Google Adwords you will need to append: ?kw={keyword}&ad={creative}&matchtype={matchtype}&adposition={adposition}&network={network} to your destination URL. Only the parameters which are within the URL will be captured. The kw parameter is required ; tracking will work without the other parameters but the data for these will not be captured or displayed in reports.



By appending the above tags to either your Adwords Search keyword or Adwords ad destination URL, you enable Google to push respective values of the click into the curly brackets. This Google provided data becomes part of the visitor’s URL which allows AvidTrak’s JavaScript to retrieve, store and publish the required data.

For more information on Google Adwords ValueTrack visit:

Example URL:

If your current destination URL is

then after tagging your destination URL will appear as{keyword}&ad={creative}&matchtype={matchtype}&adposition={adposition}&network={network}
Remember to turn ON Auto Tagging within your Adwords Account.

Note that the default settings for Bing AdCenter will work with AvidTrak. However, if the defaults have been changed for some reason, please make sure the following tags are there in the Ad Destination URLs: or Bing: ?bk={keyword}