Different Types of Call Tracking

Implementing Source Level and Search Keyword Call Tracking takes Minutes and can help you Save Thousands in Wasted Ad Spend.

Source Level Call Tracking

Assign a unique call tracking number to each source of web traffic: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp and thousands more marketing channels

View the performance of your marketing channels (sources) in an easy to understand report.

Use Dynamic Number Insertion to track specific keywords

Keyword Level Call Tracking

Knowing which Paid Search Keyword is creating calls is a necessity for increasing revenue and profits from Paid Search Campaigns

Use Dynamic Number Insertion to track specific keywords from specific marketing channels

DON’T forget to track the performance of your Offline Marketing Channels! Tracking Calls from Print, Radio and TV campaigns leads to better allocation of your Ad Dollars.

Call Tracking for your Print, Radio and TV Ads

Set up Call Tracking for Offline Channels in Minutes

Use Call Whisper “TV Ad 1000�? to alert call attendant of source of lead

Run daily, weekly and monthly reports of Offline Ad Campaigns

Need Custom tag call routing and call tracking? Yes, we absolutely do that!

Custom tag Call Tracking

You can show specific landing pages based upon a click’s tag. Now you can route calls to specific recipients based on that tag

Use custom tags to route calls to specific sales specialists. Example, route calls to specific agents based on the ad clicked.

Run reports on custom tagged clicks and calls from custom tagged clicks.

Effectively Managing Ad Budgets for Franchise Businesses can be challenging work. But with AvidTrak, implementing Keyword or Source Level call tracking is simple and cost effective.

Franchise Business Call Tracking

Keep track of the leads you generate for each Franchisee

Track back each lead to the specific keyword and marketing channel

Track Online Conversions from Web Forms and Email on AvidTrak

Online Conversion Tracking

We are avid about tracking which means we support your efforts to track online web form conversions, downloads and emails.

Use our Online conversion tracking feature to track online conversions of web contact forms, white paper downloads and even emails.

Run reports on different online conversions for various periods.

Manage Adwords Mobile Call Only Campaigns with Your Own Numbers. Integrate Adwords Call Only Campaign Data into AvidTrak

Adwords Mobile Call Only Campaigns

Use AvidTrak Phone Numbers in Adwords Call Only Campaigns to Get More Data on Who is Calling You

Record and Transcribe Calls from Adwords Call Only Campaigns

Integrate Adwords Call Only Campaign Data into AvidTrak to get clear picture on Cost Per Lead

Track Calls at Keyword or Campaign Level

FAQ about Call Tracking Terminology

What is “Online�? and “Offline�? call tracking?


“Online Call Tracking�? refers to tracking of calls that arise after a person has visited your website, seen a phone number and called. Examples of Online Call Tracking would be tracking calls from clicks from Google Adwords’ Campaigns. “Offline Call Tracking�? refers to those calls that arise without a web visit. Examples of Offline Call Tracking would be tracking calls from Print, Radio and TV.

What is Dynamic Number Insertion? What is required to implement it?


Changing and displaying a different phone number to a web visitor based upon meeting specific criteria of the visitor’s click is called dynamic insertion. A snippet of JavaScript code placed on your website is needed to achieve dynamic phone number insertion

What are “Channels?


Channels are an abbreviation of “Marketing Channels.�? A marketing channel typically refers to the media source that builds awareness of your product/service. A trade show is a marketing channel. Google PPC Ads are a marketing channel. Yellow Page ads are a marketing channel.

Does call tracking for Custom Tags or Franchisee Businesses require a different setup of accounts?


The call tracking account is the same and the tracking code placed on your website is the same. The only difference is in how you allocate and setup the call tracking numbers. AvidTrak Product Support Team helps its clients with the entire setup process.

Google provides tracking phone numbers for Call Only Campaigns, so why should we use AvidTrak numbers?


Google provides a basic free service and as such does not provide Caller ID, City and State of Caller, Call Recording and Transcription of Calls. Additionally, with AvidTrak you may port and keep the call tracking numbers permanently so that you never miss a lead even after you stop advertising with Google.

What value does AvidTrak – Adwords Mobile Call Only Campaign Integration deliver?


By importing your Adwords Mobile Call Only campaigns metrics into the AvidTrak platform you will get a clear picture of Cost Per Lead across all your campaigns. Additionally, you may use the AvidTrak-Google Universal Analytics Integration and AvidTrak-Salesforce Integration to push conversion values into both tools to render you a complete picture on marketing spend and its effect on closed i.e. revenue yielding leads.

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The call tracking platform of choice for Search, Display and Print Advertisers.

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