Know Which Display Ads are Making Your Phone Ring. Maximize ROI on Your Display Advertising Campaigns

Place a Phone Number

When you place a phone number on an online banner ad or video as an Advertiser you should measure which ad format and publisher worked best in generating phone leads.

Measure Calls from Display Ad Clicks

Display Ad Clicks

If you are generating website traffic from Display Ad clicks, capture calls from Display Clicks by dynamically inserting call tracking numbers on to your website

AvidTrak delivers rich reporting for Display Ads

Calls are Tracked Back to

  • Campaign Name
  • Publisher
  • Ad Creative
  • Placement
  • Caller ID

FAQ about Implementing Display Ad Call Tracking

Will I need to place JavaScript on my Web Pages?


JavaScript tracking script is needed only if you wish to dynamically insert phone numbers to track calls from Display Ad Clicks.

Can the same tracking code be used to track calls from all display advertising networks?


Yes! The AvidTrak JavaScript tracks clicks from all display ad networks, search networks and all other traffic sources.

How many call tracking numbers would I need?


To get really granular data allocate 1 number for each Creative-Publisher combination. To measure calls from Display Ad clicks, allocate as many call tracking numbers as the number of hourly clicks you receive from Display Ads. To get hourly traffic rates refer to your Google Analytics account.

Can I use Custom Tags in my Display Ads


Yes, AvidTrak supports custom tags! Setup is very easy and may be accomplished in minutes.

Can I route inbound calls to my tracking numbers to different receiving numbers based on display ad tags?


Yes, you may configure your Display Ad call tracking numbers to route calls based upon the tags placed within the Display Ads.

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The call tracking platform of choice for Search, Display and Print Advertisers.

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