Tracking Numbers Features

Get Toll Free and Local Numbers with Call Recording, Greeting and Whisper Functionality. Port Numbers into and out of AvidTrak Easily!

Get Toll Free & Local Numbers Instantly

Get Toll Free & Local Numbers Instantly

Choose from thousands of Toll Free & Local Numbers.

Configure and Deploy Numbers in your campaigns instantly

Recording with a click

Call Recording

Enable Call Recording with a click of a button. Playback and listen to calls and email call recordings

Recording with a click

Greet Callers with a message

Caller Greeting

Caller Greeting

Greet Callers with a message before the call is connected. Inform Callers that calls may be recorded.

Whisper source of lead

Whisper Message

Whisper source of lead to Call Attendant before call is connected

Whisper Message

Port your existing numbers

Number Porting

Number Porting

You can port your existing numbers into AvidTrak easily. We port thousands of numbers from other carriers every year into our platform.

FAQ about Recording, Greeting and Whisper Messages

Do I need to inform Callers that Calls are being recorded?


It depends on your State Law. If you are recording phone calls you may be obligated under your State law to inform the Caller that their conversation is being recorded. Click on State Law Guide to get an understanding of your State’s laws on call recording.

How do I inform a Caller that Call Recording is in effect?


Use AvidTrak Caller Greeting feature to type in the Caller Greeting Pre Amble such as "this call may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes…"

What is the advantage of using a Whisper Message?


Whisper Messages may be used to alert the Call Attendant the source of lead. A car dealer may use Whisper messages to separate Pre-owned inquiries from New Car sales.

Have Questions?
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