AvidTrak offers a Range of Productivity Tools to Implement Call Tracking. Utilize these tools to save time and cut common tracking mistakes.

JavaScript Code Check

JavaScript Code Check

After installing your account specific AvidTrak dynamic insertion JavaScript code on your web pages, you should utilize the code check utility to ensure that you have installed the script correctly.

Validating the correct installation of the code will save you time in getting your phone number dynamic insertion started.

Assign Multiple Users to an Account & Implement Account Access Controls

Multiple User Access and Controls

AvidTrak allows the same account to be operable by many Users.

As an Administrator you may control access to account functions of other Users

Multiple User Access and Controls

Setup AvidTrak to submit Reports to your Server via FTP

Getting Reports via FTP

Getting Reports via FTP

If you have many automation tools in place take advantage of AvidTrak Platform’s ability to FTP call tracking reports to your Server.

Use of the FTP Report functionality is free and you may receive daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Yes, implementing tags on your Ads can be cumbersome and time consuming. But AvidTrak can make this job less dreary

Tag Implementation

Use the AvidTrak Platform to create tags for Adwords ValueTrack. You can also create Custom Tags for Display and 3rd Party Sites.

Tag Implementation

Create Transcripts of Call Recording and Use Keyword Spotting tool to Identify a Sale, or an unhappy Customer.


Call Recording Transcription

Use AvidTrak to record phone conversations.

Transcribe call recordings into searchable text.

Set keyword flagging to identify sales.

Tag conversations to alert you on an unhappy customer

FAQ about AvidTrak Productivity Tools

Why should I implement tags on my Ads?


Tags allow Search Engines to push (paid) keyword data into the space. Without the tag you will not be able to know which Google or Bing keyword triggered your search advertisement.

Additionally, tags can also act as triggers for serving up specific phone numbers for specific purposes. For example a Chevrolet dealer can use tags to show a specific phone number for cars and another for trucks.

Using FTP Vs API which is more effective?


AvidTrak API (Application Programming Interface) allows you to obtain instant (on demand) access to your account data and functions with your account. Of course AvidTrak- API users need to have SOAP based protocol knowledge, whereas, FTP is simpler, as data are delivered on a schedule rather than on demand.

If you have programming experience, use the API to create your proprietary reporting dashboards. However, FTP reports can also be utilized for many reporting functions.

Are there are any API usage costs?


There are no API usage costs.

After I add other Users to my account can I prevent access to billing and phone number purchases?


Yes as an Administrator you may decide who may or may not have access to your Billing fields. You may also prevent other Users from purchasing or deleting numbers from your account.

How accurate is a transcription of a recording?


Our experience indicates that accuracy of transcription is dependent on how clearly an individual enunciates words. On average between 60 to 70 percent accuracy of transcription may be achieved. We do recommend that our clients clearly speak out words such as ORDER or COMPLAINT to ensure conversation tagging is accurate.

What is the most effective way of using Keyword Flagging?


Begin by identifying your goal. For example do you wish to increase customer retention? If yes then you would want to learn of all potential clients who have called to complain about your product or service. Set the keyword-flagging tool to identify words such as "Unhappy," "Scam" "Complain" etc. Listen to the recorded conversation and then reach out to your client to resolve the issue.

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