Adwords Call Tracking Integration

Use AvidTrak Platform’s Adwords API Integration to push phone call conversions into Adwords. Setup is simple, free and will take you less than a minute to execute.

Keyword, Ad Group and Campaign

AvidTrak uses Google Adwords API to match each Adwords click with the resulting phone call.

Phone Call Conversions that happened from your website appear alongside the Adwords Campaign and Keywords to allow you a full picture of your lead flow

Tieback and Evaluate Campaign and Keyword Spend based on Phone Call Conversions

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Get a complete profitability picture of Adwords Campaigns. Now Measure each keyword based on cost per lead generated

Now get a full conversion picture or cost per phone lead of all your Google Ads campaigns reported directly into Adwords. Get conversion picture in Adwords for:

Website Phone Call Conversions Mobile Campaigns Click to call Campaigns Adwords Call Extensions

Keyword, Ad Group and Campaign


What is Adwords Call Tracking and how is it implemented?


Adwords call tracking allows you to measure phone call conversions (phone leads) back to the Campaign and Keyword that resulted in the inbound phone call. AvidTrak uses the Adwords API to push phone call conversions into the Adwords platform.

Do I need to add any special tracking code to my web pages?


If you are already using AvidTrak tracking script on your web pages to execute dynamic number insertion on your web pages then you do not need to add any additional script.

What do I need to do to get my AvidTrak calls pushed into Adwords?


After you have setup the AvidTrak tracking script on your web pages you will need to enter the ten-digit Adwords Account ID and associated Adwords email into the AvidTrak-Adwords Integration field (found in Advanced Settings of My Account Settings.)

You will then receive an MCC link request from a representative account that belongs to AvidTrak. After you approve the link request it takes approximately 48 hours for data from your AvidTrak account to flow into your Adwords account.

What are the other benefits of Google Ads call tracking?


You can boost the number of phone calls to your business by setting up Click-to-Call (CTC) ads. CTC ads are mobile friendly and they dial your business number immediately after the ad is clicked. The Adwords integration allows you to track these calls the same way you can track standard PPC campaigns. Since these kinds of ads can result in a greater number of calls, they also let you record more phone conversations and use this information to adjust your sales strategy faster.

Are there some limitations when using Google tracking numbers?


While Google tracking numbers can work great within the Google ad system they have a few blind spots. One of these is that, they are owned by Google and therefore won't work for other networks such as Yahoo or Bing.

The Click-to-Call option is currently not offered for Display Network Ads either, limiting your choices to use this feature from text ads only. If you are looking for a more complete solution to measure your ad campaigns, the AvidTrak call tracking software can get you there.

What is the difference between a Google Tracking Number and an AvidTrak Call Tracking Number?


The table below provides the differences in reporting, between, a Google Tracking Number and an AvidTrak tracking number.

Google Tracking Number

AvidTrak Tracking Number

▪ Call Start and End Time

▪ Caller Area Code

▪ Call Status (Answered or Not)

▪ Call Duration

▪ Conversion







✓ Call Start and End Time

✓ Caller Phone Number, Name, City and State

✓ Caller’s IP Address

✓ Call Status (Answered or Not)

✓ Call Duration

✓ Conversion

✓ Call Recording

✓ Pages Visited before Call

✓ Page that resulted in phone call

✓ Advanced Call Routing, IVR, Voicemail

✓ Email Alerts on Calls

Do you offer Product Support to help with this Integration?


Yes, absolutely. We offer full support and can help you in each step of the way.

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