Call Tracking Pricing


Cost of Call Tracking Numbers & Minutes

In addition to the United States and Canada, AvidTrak call tracking numbers are available for service in 23 countries. Pricing for the call tracking numbers and talk time minutes may be found in the table below.

AvidTrak Toll Free or Local Call Tracking Numbers may be dynamically inserted into a page (using a snippet of JavaScript code) or simply hard coded onto a page.

No Phone Number Type Phone Number Monthly Rental Rate (USD) Per minute talk-time charge (calls forwarded to a landline) (USD) Per minute talk-time charge (calls forwarded to a mobile phone) (USD) 1-Time Phone Setup Cost (USD)
1 US & Canada
  toll 2.00 0.07 0.07 0.00
  local 2.00 0.06 0.06 0.00
  Voice Recording   0.005 0.005 0.00
2 Australia
local 7.50 0.11 0.30 2.00
3 Austria       
local 3.50 0.09 0.15 2.00
4 Belgium
local 3.50 0.09 0.30 2.00
5 Czech Pepublic
local 3.50 0.13 0.60 2.00
6 Denmark
local 3.50 0.09 0.40 2.00
7 Finland
local 3.50 0.16 0.50 2.00
8 France
local 3.50 0.09 0.20 2.00
9 Greece
local 3.50 0.50 0.50 2.00
10 Hong Kong
local 15.00 0.09 0.20 2.00
11 Ireland
local 3.50 0.09 0.50 2.00
12 Italy
local 3.50 0.09 0.36 2.00
13 Japan
local 9.00 0.09 0.50 2.00
14 The Netherlands
local 3.50 0.09 0.33 2.00
15 New Zealand
local 6.00 0.10 0.30 2.00
16 Poland
local 3.50 0.09 0.50 2.00
17 Portugal
local 3.50 0.09 0.38 2.00
18 Romania
local 10.00 0.14 0.60 2.00
19 Spain
local 3.50 0.09 0.60 2.00
20 Sweden
local 3.50 0.24 0.24 2.00
21 Switzerland
Local* 3.50 0.11 0.75 2.00
22 United Kingdom
Local** 3.50 0.09 0.24 2.00
Toll*** 5.50 0.15 0.24 2.00
Local number call charge rates apply only to prefix codes: 41, 4122, 4143 (all other prefixes please contact
** Local number call charge rates apply only to prefix codes: 44, 4420, 44203, 44207, 44208 (all other prefixes please contact
*** Toll free number call charge rates apply only to prefix codes: 44, 4420, 44203, 44207, 44208 (all other prefixes please contact

Clarifications on Pricing for Call Tracking Numbers & Minutes


AvidTrak Numbers come packaged with Call Tracking Software which comprises of a hosted software solution. The call tracking service is a prepaid service which is offered on a month-to-month basis. Our service fee structure is broken up into:

Monthly Recurring Charges for
Phone Number Rental

The phone number rental is collected in advance every month on the 1st of the month. We do not refund monthly rental fee after it has been deducted from your account.

Talk time Minutes for Inbound
Phone Calls

Charges for talk time on the phone use accrue daily. Your account will be charged for the amount of talk time incurred by you.

How AvidTrak’s Pre-paid Service Works:

As an AvidTrak client you will be responsible for maintaining a positive balance within your account. Your account balance will drop as charges such as phone number rental and talk time are incurred and collected from your account.

In order to keep your account balance in the positive we recommend that you set up your account for automatic recharge. You will select the minimum credit balance that you wish to maintain in your account as well as the maximum amount. As soon as the balance in your account drops below the minimum threshold, our credit card processor Authorize.Net will automatically charge your credit card on file and top the balance in your AvidTrak account up to the level that you have selected as your maximum account balance.

Use the Estimator tool to determine how many phone numbers you will need to perform keyword level call tracking.

If your account balance drops below $0 services to your account may be suspended. It is therefore essential that your account always maintain a positive balance. In the event that your credit card is declined AvidTrak’s billing system will issue a warning email advising you of the issues evidenced with your card. It is therefore important that you keep your billing email updated. Your billing email on file may be verified and/or updated by logging into your account and clicking My Account > My Account Setting.

If you do not wish to use the auto recharge payment feature and prefer to make one-time payment with your credit card to top up your account then use the Add Funds Through PayPal feature. Note: You do not need a PayPal account to pay through PayPal and you may use AMEX, VISA or MasterCard to in lieu of PayPal.

If you have been doing comparison shopping you may have come across pre-packaged bundled pricing offering you rates of $25 or $30 per month for a fixed set of local call tracking numbers with pre-purchased local call minutes.

These types of bundled schemes are “Use-it-or-Lose-it” pricing contracts which serve you well only if your-monthly-usage is exactly on the dot and is not ever under or over the limitation imposed by the call tracking company. In “Use-it-or-Lose-it” pricing contracts if you under use your service, the effective cost per number and per minute becomes much higher. And you will evidence the same higher tariff if you overuse your service through overage charges.

To keep our pricing fair and actual call tracking costs transparent, we offer our clientele the ability to pick as few numbers as they wish (even one number per account is allowed). Charges for call tracking minutes are also computed based on actual usage.

AvidTrak Service Does Not Require a Contract:

When you sign up for AvidTrak’s service you are not bound by contracts locking you into our service for months on end. You may terminate your service anytime and request a refund of the credit balance in your account. Please review our Services Agreement for a complete understanding of our refund policy.