Utilize Powerful Web Services API to obtain Call Tracking Reports on Demand

Web Services API

Web Services API

Utilize SOAP based Web Services API to build proprietary dashboards

Merge AvidTrak data with your bid management tools to enhance productivity of your bid platform

Use Voice Recording Transcription Services to Hunt for Keywords

Voice Recording Transcription

You may create transcripts of voice recordings.

Setup AvidTrak to deliver you transcripts of recordings. Use the transcripts to search for specific keywords

Note: Voicemail transcription is an extra charge and is limited to 2 minutes of recorded conversation

Voice Recording Transcription

AvidTrak can hunt and dynamically replace Vanity Numbers

Vanity Number Replacement

Vanity Number Replacement

AvidTrak can search for and find vanity numbers which may be dynamically replaced with a tracking number.

Simply type in the Vanity Number sequence (letters and digits) into the Target Number SMART replace field and AvidTrak will perform dynamic number insertion.

Report Online Conversions together with Phone Call Conversions

Online Conversion Report

Imagine being able to use the same platform to view not only phone call conversions but also Online form conversions. AvidTrak may be setup to capture Online conversions. You may capture contact-form submissions, downloads and even clicks to your Email links.

Online Conversion Report

Block those nuisance SPAM Callers from bothering you!

SPAM Caller Blocking

SPAM Caller Blocking

SPAM Robo-Callers can be a nuisance to your daily work schedule.

AvidTrak allows Agency Caller blocking functionality such that an Agency can setup a Master list of Blocked Caller IDs. These Blocked Caller ID at Agency Level are applied to all Agency clients operating on the AvidTrak platform.

Individual clients may block caller ID at their account level.

Listen to Call Recordings and then share the Recording with others via Email

Call Recording Playback and Email Call Recording

Listening to a Call Recording is as simple as clicking a button to hear the recording streamed to your Computer, Tablet or Smartphone.

You can share the call recording with another person simply by clicking the Email icon next to the recording link and transmit the recording link via Email.

Call Recording Playback and Email Call Recording

Tag and Append Notes to Calls

Call Tags and Notes

Call Tags and Notes

As you listen to call recording you can easily tag the call as Sale, Inquiry, SPAM etc.

After completing call tagging you may type in an append notes to the call to remind you of the content of the recording.

AvidTrak Supports Google ValueTrack Tagging Parameters

ValueTrack Tags

Google ValueTrack Tags offers a powerful way for advertisers to gather information on Google’s Search and Display partners responsible for traffic.

What’s more you can get information on ad position, placement, creative and network type that resulted in the click. Tying back phone calls or online conversions to ValueTrack tag parameters helps you improve your bid and placement strategy.

ValueTrack Tags

Does your Enterprise use Ensighten Tag Management? AvidTrak works very well with Ensighten

Ensighten Tag Management

Ensighten Tag Management

If you are like one of AvidTrak’s very large Enterprise Clients you probably use a tag management tool such as Ensighten to automatically serve up JavaScript and other tags based on a visitor’s click parameters.

Unlike many JavaScript tracking codes, AvidTrak JavaScript code and Ensighten tag management work seamlessly without delays in page load or data loss.

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The call tracking platform of choice for Search, Display and Print Advertisers.

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