Integrate Call Tracking


Learn how to integrate your AvidTrak call tracking conversions into Google Adwords. Report call tracking conversions as offline conversions into your Adwords account

Utilize AvidTrak Phone Call Conversion Export Feature to report Call Tracking Conversions as Offline Conversions into your Adwords Account. Track Phone Call Conversions back to Keywords in your Adwords Account.

As many Adwords advertisers have experienced, a click on an AdWords ad doesn’t lead directly to an online sale, but instead starts a potential customer down a path that ultimately leads to a sale in the offline world. This sale may take place in your office or over the phone. By importing offline conversions into your Adwords account you can measure what happens in the offline world after a click on one of your ads.

This document details the steps required for importing offline conversions (such as call tracking conversion data) into Adwords. The process occurs of importing call tracking data into Adwords is broken into two broad steps. The first step consists of the download, in CSV format, of the conversions from AvidTrak via an Offline Conversions report under the Reports menu (sub-menu: setup report). The second step consists of uploading the downloaded CSV sheet into Adwords using the approach specified by Adwords itself. The details of these two steps are described below:

Login to your AvidTrak account and find the menu “Reports” in the top navigation just after the My Account link. When you point your mouse cursor to Reports a drop down appears, click “Set Reports”


In Set Reports screen you will see the title “Create Report by Clicking on Link Titles” just click the “Offline Conversion”.

AvidTrak Offline Conversions Setup Screen

On clicking the Offline Conversions “Select Criteria” screen will appear.

You need to provide the Report Title you wish to choose. Then there will be two options

  1. Download Report

  2. Schedule Report

“Download” is primarily selected if you want to download the data within specific date range. Choose the date range From (MM/DD/YYYY) To (MM/DD/YYYY). After that you have to provide the Conversion Name: exactly as you have in your AdWords account. The Conversion Value is optional.

AvidTrak Offline Conversions Download Screen

Time Zone Selection: Must be the same as your AdWords account Time Zone.

You can choose the time zone from one of the below options

1: Time Zone

You will select the Time Zone from time zone selection option.

2:-Other Time Zone

If you desire to set some other time zone you may set it by selecting Other Time Zone option.

After this process you simply need to click the “Create Report”.

Reviewing Existing Phone Call Conversion Reports in AvidTrak

After the Creation of a report, it will be added as a row to the Existing Reports screen which shows a summary of all existing reports.


In these reports you will see options under the Action heading. On clicking the options a dropdown will appear giving you the option to “Download XLS”. Note that for other reports there is an option to download either in CSV or PDF format but for the Offline report the only option is to download in XLS format because currently this is the only format which Adwords accepts in its import function The expiry date can also be changed. By default it is set for 1 week.

Scheduling Phone Call Conversion Reports in AvidTrak

Besides downloading the report you have another option to Schedule an emailing of the report to one or more email addresses. You should also set the other values as below.

Time Period: Schedule your report for your desired time period to receive the email.

Conversion Name: As you have in your AdWords account.

Conversion Value is optional.

Time Zone Selection: Must be same as your AdWords account Time Zone.

You can choose the time zone from one of below options

1: Time Zone

You will select the Time Zone from time zone selection option.

2: Other Time Zone

If you wish to set some other time zone you may set it by selecting the Other Time Zone option.

After this, you simply need to click the “Create Report”.

You will receive an email with a download link.


Setting up Offline Conversions in Adwords to allow for importing phone call tracking data

Login to your AdWords account and find the menu “Tools and Analysis.” Click “Conversion” and then click the +conversion button. A screen will appear with a menu tab “New Conversion” (see below)


Enter the appropriate conversion Name and select the import option.

Clicking the Save and continue option will take you to the next menu item, “Settings”.

Select the desired category and enter a conversion value.


Once again click the Save and Continue button and Click the done button on the Next screen.

After completing your Adwords account setup please wait at least 4 hours before initiating your offline imports into Adwords.

Importing phone call tracking conversion data into your Adwords account

To upload the conversions file which was downloaded from AvidTrak click the upload button on the conversion page. The screen below will appear. Browse to and select the downloaded AvidTrak file and upload into Adwords.


Google Adwords Guide to Importing Offline Conversions in Adwords

For a complete guide to importing offline conversions into Adwords please review the Adwords link below: